Data Research

Please read this before contacting us to do research or to ask for permissions. Please understand we have to charge a fee for these services.

We get many requests to research when a trophy was listed in our record books.  It is not at all unusual for someone to write us to ask if “a kudu shot by Mr. Hoestieman” was ever listed in our book . . . or whether a specific Marco Polo sheep was first listed in the 7th or the 10th edition.  Rowland Ward Ltd. was founded in 1870, and its first record book was published in 1892.  Today our data goes back more than 130 years through 30 editions. That’s a lot of information to search through in order to find a specific entry that may or may not be there.

Please read this before contacting us to do research or for permissions; we charge a fee for these services.

Archive Available for Research
We have the entire collection of Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game books available for research. This includes the original 1892 edition and the 1894 expanded edition as well as all the addendum lists of the 1960s. In addition, we have all of Rowland Ward Ltd.’s other publications (by Count Potocki, Prince Demidoff, Sir. Powell-Cotton, Richard Lydekker, etc.) as well as an extensive archive of early Rowland Ward Ltd. brochures, correspondence, entry forms, and images submitted for the record book.  In addition, the entire database of Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game is digital and can be searched for specifics.

Game Record, Illustration Research
If you want us to research a particular trophy that (you think) is listed in Rowland Ward’s Records of Big Game, we can do so. If we find data and a specific photo, we can make a copy and send it to you.  Depending on the condition of the archive, we might be able to scan the item and e-mail it, or we will photograph it. Please understand that the more information you provide to us, the quicker we can find the item.  A query such as “My grandfather told me he shot a large elephant that is listed in RW” will cause a lot more work than a request such as “Can you please scan or photograph the first time a kudu from Tanzania was recorded under the name of Ivor A. Jamison.”

All requests will be charged for a minimum of one hour of research time. For rates, see below under “Rates for Research.”  Please understand that this fee is for research only; we do not guarantee that we will be able to find the record, and the fee does not grant you the right to reproduce any items found for commercial purposes.

Rates for Research
The cost of finding an article or illustration or photo by our in-house staff is $175 per hour with a minimum charge of one hour. It takes 5 to 10 working days to do this research. Please send your request to and we will send you a link for payment. If the research goes over the time period you have paid for, we will stop and ask you for a second payment.  We will not run up additional research hours without your authorization. Please understand that that our fees are for research only and they do not grant you the right to reproduce the item found for commercial purposes.

Rates for Specific Releases
In some cases we are asked to sign specific releases for the use of a record book, data, or logo to be used online or in a motion picture/video.  These requests must be reviewed by our lawyer.  Currently our law firm charges $375.00 an hour; to review and sign a release typically takes four hours.  Should you wish us to sign a release, please send us a copy of the release and a check for $1,500 made out to Rowland Ward Ltd.  We can also send you a link for credit card payment.

Rowland Ward Foundation is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Tax ID: 85-3857454

Rowland Ward
15621 Chemical Lane, Ste. A
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1506,