Find a Rowland Ward Official Measurer Quickly and Easily with Our New interactive Map!

Find a Rowland Ward Official Measurer Quickly and Easily with Our New interactive Map!

The Rowland Ward Foundation has unveiled an exciting new feature on its website: the Interactive Map of Fair Chase Measurers. This feature allows users to easily locate any of the 539 Rowland Ward Measurers in various regions of the world.

Rowland Ward Official Measurers are an indispensable part of Rowland Ward Foundation’s Records of Big Game, tirelessly contributing to the collection of accurate trophy data. These individuals are the backbone of the record book, as they gather the necessary information that is published every four years in the oldest and most comprehensive database of game measurements available.

Who are the Rowland Ward Measurers? Most of them are not only passionate hunting enthusiasts but also professionals in various non-hunting fields such as engineering or medicine. Others are involved in the hunting industry as taxidermists, guides, outfitters, or custom gun makers. Those who decide to volunteer as Rowland Ward Official Measurers find it extremely rewarding.

In addition to accurately measuring and recording data on horns, antlers, and skulls, Measurers act as ambassadors for the sport of big-game hunting, and their involvement allows them to stay connected with fellow hunters in their region. Over time, they are almost guaranteed to encounter magnificent trophies from all corners of the globe and visit impressive collections and trophy rooms. Beyond personal enjoyment, measuring efforts serve a broader purpose: to preserve a physical record and biological history of game animals worldwide.

The new interactive map will be an invaluable resource for hunters, enabling them to connect with this global community of measurers. With our deep commitment to promoting responsible hunting, fair chase practices, and supporting the efforts of measurers worldwide, the Rowland Ward Foundation continues to play a pivotal role in the conservation and sustainability of our natural world.

RW Measurer Map